Led by the weather model RACE

With a resolution of 100m, UBIMET has been at the forefront of the world’s most accurate weather forecasts for years.


UBIMET operates its own high-resolution weather model RACE (Refined Atmospheric Condition Evolution). In several data centers worldwide (New York, Melbourne and Vienna), the RACE weather models are fed hourly with the latest weather data (precipitation radar, VERA analyses, lightning, satellite data, aircraft altitude profiles) to further refine the forecasts. Highly complex data assimilation (3dVar) and nudging techniques (LHN) are used for this purpose.

With additional downscaling algorithms based on the most accurate geodata, UBIMET subsequently achieves model resolutions of a few meters. Thus, UBIMET is able to provide spatially and temporally tailored and, above all, highly accurate forecasts worldwide for a wide range of industries.

In its own model development department, UBIMET’s experts ensure a successive increase in precision through ongoing evaluations and further developments. Leading global weather models such as ECMWF or GFS and specially developed Model Output Statistics methods are also used in a multi-model approach at UBIMET.