With its own global lightning detection system, worldwide weather stations, radar networks and satellites, UBIMET has a unique wealth of meteorological data at its fingertips.
As much, and as precise, weather data as possible form the basis for the calculation of each and every weather model and weather forecast. UBIMET is one of only a few weather services around the world that is able to work with global data – and to make these available to its customers.
Weather stations
Measurements and readings from worldwide weather stations are incorporated into UBIMET’s analyses and forecasts. The parameters measured by a weather station include temperature, wind, precipitation or length of sunshine, among others.
Radar data
A comprehensive network of radar stations enables UBIMET to observe, at a high resolution, the intensity and spatial distribution of rain and snowfall. Precipitation’s reflectivity is measured in dBZ units. Besides additional radar stations around the globe, UBIMET utilizes the information from 57 radar stations in Australia and 160 stations in the USA alone.
UBIMET has its eyes on the entire globe, thanks to the images taken by various satellites from space. Satellite images display information regarding clouds, enabling UBIMET to draw conclusions regarding wind direction, as well as the direction and speed of deep depressions and hurricanes. Satellites can even detect forest fires. UBIMET’s satellite data coverage encompass the entire globe!
Lightning detection
UBIMET uses its own global lightning detection system to gather precise information about the intensity, height and location of lightning bolts. The patented technology of UBIMET’s partner nowcast makes it possible to accurately detect the location of lightning to within 75 meters.