
Claims Information System

Insurance companies receive precise weather information and reduce their processing time: The Claims Information System by UBIMET enables claims experts to check the recent weather conditions for a highly localised area and facilitates the faster processing of claims.

Lightning Detection System

With the global lightning detection system powered by nowcast, UBIMET is able to precisely identify storm cells and to issue detailed and precise severe weather alerts at an early stage.

Weather Energy Data & Energy Forecasts

Increasing efficiency, minimizing risks and saving costs - these goals for the energy market can be achieved with highly precise weather data and forecasts. High-quality, location- and time-specific weather measuring data and meteorological short- and mid-term forecasts for customers from the energy sector are part of UBIMET’s service portfolio.

EinsMan Solutions

The rapid expansion of renewable energy production in Germany has increased grid bottlenecks and, in accordance with feed-in management, the frequency of renewable energy production shutdowns. UBIMET has developed a unique patented* tool for both monitoring current feed-in management (“EinsMan Monitor”) and also to forecast anticipated feed-in management requirements (“EinsMan Forecast”).

IT & Hyperlocal Weather API & Weather Data Packages

The UBIMET Weather API is the most precise on the planet. Fast, reliable and tailored to your business needs. Packages include: current weather data, weather forecasts and historical weather conditions. Advance weather API packages for every industry such as Insurance, Energy, Aviation, Infrastructure, Events.

Severe Weather Warnings

Insurance companies optimise their combined ratio: With UBIMET’s early severe weather warnings, insurance companies are able to help their customers reduce or even entirely prevent weather-related damages.

Weather Cockpit®

The professional control tool by UBIMET for increased safety and efficiency: With the Weather Cockpit, companies from all sectors receive precisely the weather information that is relevant for their location.

Meteorological Reanalysis

Knowledge of historical weather data is becoming increasingly important. This information is highly relevant, in particular for the insurance industry and in location planning. This applies, for example, in determining the probability of hail storms in a certain region or in identifying the most suitable locations for sun or wind energy plants under climatic aspects.