Austria’s largest golf group uses weather data from UBIMET
The Murhof Group – with 15 golf courses, 90,000 green fee rounds, around 14,000 members and 230 employees is the largest golf group in Austria, and now also a customer of the private weather service provider UBIMET.
“As an outdoor sport, the number of visitors at our golf courses is heavily dependent on the weather. With the weather cockpit, we are now even better prepared for our customers and are able to optimally plan our range of events and gastronomy, “said Madlen Kager, marketing spokesperson for the Murhof Group. The Murhof Group has been planning events, looking after the lawns and tailoring gastronomy operations since March 2015 with the weather data and forecasts from the UBIMET Weather Cockpit.
Pinpoint forecasts for each golf course
For weather-dependent work on the golf course, the Murhof Group sets the limits themselves and uses a traffic light system to determine the optimum time window. Each Green-Keeper can schedule lawn and maintenance activities depending on the weather, and thus ensure the playability of his grounds. Severe weather warnings, including by SMS, inform employees in good time about appropriate precautions. With direct data access via the API “UBIMET: connect”, the weather forecasts are also displayed on the websites of the individual clubs – a service for the more than 14,000 members of the Murhof Group.