R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG
“Regarding the topic “Weather” we were able to successfully set up a digital, future-orientated technical infrastructure for controlling cross-system processes in R+V’s damage composite together with UBIMET. Both the UBIMET web service interface according to the specification of the GDV damage service 2.0 and the use of GDV’s modern cloud technology Trusted German Insurance Cloud (TGIC) guarantee secure communication. The technical integration of the automated weather queries into our IT environment was successful due to UBIMET’s long-standing interface know-how. The savings potential hoped for in advance is demonstrably used successfully. Our process costs have been significantly reduced and simplified regulatory decisions lead to time savings in claims settlement. We are extremely satisfied with the interface solution“, says Thomas Viegelahn, Group Head of Claims Management R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG.